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Festival de Marseille

...How in salts desert is it possible to blossom...

Robyn Orlin, Garage Dance Ensemble, uKhoiKhoi

Berlin / Okiep
dance music Premiere

Unclassifiable and political, the South African choreographer Robyn Orlin is "a rebellious fantasist" who refuses to set anything in stone. For her first collaboration with the Garage Dance Ensemble, she explores the mechanisms of violence in a performance with redemptive power blending fiction and reality, lies and hope.

Robyn Orlin returns to Marseille with renewed fervour and unwavering opposition to racism, inequality, and poverty. She constantly reinvents herself, as evidenced by her latest creation with new performers, the six dancers of the Garage Dance Ensemble and the two musicians from uKhoiKhoi based in Okiep, a former mining region in the Northern Cape Province that embodies the history of colonised South Africa. The city has a rich history and culture and a special sense of humour, but has also suffered from a lack of humanity and experienced new traumas relating to the pandemic and lockdown, including a surge in gender-based violence. The physical, psychological, sexual and economic harms suffered by the South African community have deeply affected Robyn Orlin, prompting her to seek meaning and foster a process of healing. ...How in salts desert is it possible to blossom... echoes the vision of the Garage Dance Ensemble and the leitmotif of all its creations: "every individual has the right and the opportunity to live and express themselves through dance and performance".

Coproduction Festival de Marseille

Practical information

Duration: 1h 15

Age: 12 and over

Bar and restauration on place

Where ?
La Criée - National Theater of Marseille

Carsharing available here from June 3rd

30, quai de Rive Neuve, 7e

tel. 04 91 54 70 54

Métro 1 arrêt Vieux-Port

Bus - 82, 82s, 83 arrêt Théâtre La Criée

• Bus de nuit - 583 arrêt Théâtre La Criée

Vélo Station Place aux Huiles

Parking Indigo, Vieux-Port-La Criée 


Conception : Robyn Orlin avec Garage Dance Ensemble et uKhoiKhoi

Avec : 5 danseur·ses de la compagnie Garage Dance Ensemble - Byron Klassen, Faroll Coetzee, Crystal Finck, Esmé Marthinus, Georgia Julies

Musique originale : uKhoiKhoi - Yogin Sullaphen, Anelisa Stuurman

Costumes : Birgit Neppl

Direction technique : Thabo Walter

Vidéos : Eric Perroys

Lumières : Vito Walter

Administration et diffusion : Damien Valette

Production de tournée et logistique : Camille Aumont

Production : City Theater & Dance Group, Damien Valette Prod

Garage Dance Ensemble :

Fondateur : Alfred Hinkel

Direction des créations : John Linden

Chorégraphe résident : Byron Klassen

Production : Nicolette Moses

Coproduction : City Theater & Dance Group, Festival Montpellier Danse 2024, Festival de Marseille, Chaillot – Théâtre national de la danse (Paris), Théâtre Garonne - Scène européenne (Toulouse)

Avec le soutien de la Direction régionale des affaires culturelles d’Ile de France et de Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels

Photographies : © Thabo Pule

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